不想毛毛引起尷尬時刻?輕鬆展開毛憂之旅! 一個療程,兩大效果!創新結合激光脫毛及脈衝光子嫩膚,永久脫毛,同時提亮美白,清除沉積色素,呈現360°零瑕完美!採用最適合亞洲人皮膚的755波長激光脫毛,6-8次療程達至永久脫毛效果!獨有二極管激光以市場上唯一的超短脈衝3ms提供能量,能量集中於毛髮細胞加熱,而沒有實際加熱皮膚,每發都具有最大效果和安全性。獨家快閃模脫毛方式,有效加快脫毛療程時間,大大減少疼痛感!水晶冷卻系統在療程中確保5度冷卻,無痛冷涷保護皮膚,不靠傳統敷冰,達至真無痛舒適脫毛!配合脈衝光子嫩膚,可以針對性淡化皮膚上的黑色素,使脫毛療程後的皮膚更細緻柔滑,比傳統脫毛療程更優勝!
Healthy breasts in a golden ratio shape are the key to higher self-esteem. Magic Bust Lift stimulates breasts, acupoints and meridians by biological microcurrent and magnetic energy. It comfortably triggers breast enhancement and uplifts the bust. Returning breast fullness and firmness.
A breakthrough treatment for incontinence. With the newest technology of electromagnetic energy, a single session induces 36,000 times supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions just like you have done thousands of times of pelvic floor exercise. This treatment helps muscle re-education of incontinence, preventing the risk of urinary incontinence, strengthening bladder sphincter and prostate muscle. As […]
Muscle Sculpting treatment provides the world’s first non-invasive abdominal, buttock and glutes toning procedure. A single 30 minutes session can trigger 36,000 powerful muscle contractions with the latest high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. This effortless muscle training exceeded regular exercise by 300 times! You can now experience an effortless, quicker and more efficient method to burn […]
Our carbon laser peel is an exofliating and resurfacing treatment. It is ideal for excessive oil and sebum, hyperpigmentation and acne conditions. It will leave your skin smoother, plumper and refreshed.
This magnetism massage combines Chinese acupuncture and Japanese magnetism technology to increase blood circulation, improve lymph circulation, muscle relief, and deep relaxation. It is also a holistic approach to maintaining good health and help the body heal itself.
LPG Endermologie ground-breaking technique applies mechanical massage, using a proprietary rolling motion, to targeted areas of the body. This stimulates circulation to address water retention, lymph circulation, and drain toxins while also boosting fibroblasts and diminishing cellulite’s appearance—results in a toned, sculpted body figure.
Bikini Body sculpting is a highly effective, safe and painless treatment that uses a patented 4D ™ RF technology to reduce cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, and body contour. The heat energy penetrates deeply into the skin surface to boost collagen synthesis and break fat cells. Resulting in a slimmer, toned and sculpted bikini body ready […]
HIFU Body Contouring is a safe, non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound waves to eliminate fat cells in the target specific problem area. It uses High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound to disrupt fat cells effectively and safely. The treatment can penetrate at 3 different depths, which act to tighten, lift and reduce stubborn fat. This treatment can result […]