從根源增生膠原,逆轉眼周肌齡! 20歲起,膠原每年流失1%!隨着年齡漸長,眼周的皮膚會因為老化,支撐肌膚的膠原蛋白數量減少,使眼周肌膚失去緊緻彈性,這影響於上眼皮部位更為明顯,當上眼瞼因失去支撐及鬆弛而慢慢往下降,便導致眼瞼下垂和眼紋等問題;膠原蛋白流失令皮膚變薄,令皮下血管更容易顯現,從而形成黑眼圈的問題。 BTL 360擊退眼袋槍以全球唯一FDA及歐盟CE認證的一項眼袋槍療程,超聲波結合單極射頻技術,能有效增強細胞滲透性,快速、具效率地重塑膠原及彈力蛋白結構,改善黑眼圈、眼袋、眼紋及眼尾下垂等眼肌初老問題。 BTL 360擊退眼袋槍以專利360°環迴探頭,可以更精準細緻瞄準眼窩、眼角等部位,令能量立體滲入眼周,緊緻眼部肌膚。更加快血液循環,讓單極射頻無阻直達肌底,能量360度層層滲透肌底,均勻分佈,深入眼周每吋肌膚。
Collagen supports our skin tissues. Sufficient collagen plumps our skin cells which contribute to skin hydration and firmness. However, loss of collagen begins followed by aging problems, such as sagging, wrinkles, and eye bags. Matrix Collagen Builder Eye treatment uses a 60MHz unipolar radio frequency to create a warm matrix pattern of energy on […]
All Nighter Eye Care treatment uses the latest 4D™ RF (Radio Frequency) technology for eye contouring, wrinkle reduction, and skin tightening around the eyes. It delivers focused heat to stimulate collagen growth while allowing you to feel at ease throughout the treatment.