|9種專業濾光鏡 改善30多種肌膚瑕疵| 單一療程未能解決你的皮膚問題?美容界9項全能神級M22 OPT™強效脈衝光能精準解決各種肌膚困擾,一個療程能同時改善暗瘡、色斑、毛孔、敏感泛紅、微絲血管多種問題,更可以刺激膠原蛋白增生及撫平細紋。 全球皮膚科醫生推薦及廣泛使用,療程採用全球唯一專利OPT™平頂波專利技術,配合9種不同波長的專屬濾光片,為你定製個人化專屬方案,全方位改善膚質。療程 非入侵性、零創傷、不反黑,比以往舊式單一脈衝光治療更溫和,效果更顯著!各個波段所對應之皮膚組織充分受光加熱,繼而受破壞及進行自我修復。新生組織將接替原有缺陷組織,從而達至更新皮膚及改善肌能效果。
A metropolitan life keeps us in a constant state of tension. This treatment is perfect for those who struggle with stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation. This powerful treatment for the body and mind uses European Safety approved, 100% organic aromatherapy essential oils and plant extracts from Spain. Understanding your emotional and physical needs, our therapist […]
An IG famous HydraFacial uses patented vortex-fusion technology to cleanse, peel, hydrate and protect the skin. This powerful HydraFacial naturally detoxifies and protects the skin from environmental free-radicals. It minimizes pores with an exfoliating salicylic acid and removes impurities while simultaneously delivering hydrated skin solution with moisturizing hyaluronic acid, firming peptides, and detoxifying antioxidants. […]
Our Pore rejuvenation A.K.A carbon peel laser is an exfoliating and resurfacing treatment. It reaches the dermis to stimulate collagen, elastin and fibroblast production, while cleansing excess oil in sebum and refining pores. It will leave your skin a smoother and plumper.