Create truly ‘Non-injection’ hydrated skin!

The latest DEP Non Invasive Treatment uses non-invasive penetration technology to insert the original medical beauty essence into the base of skin, allowing the essence and nutrients to maximize its effect, and the penetration effect is comparable to that of injection! 100% whitening and radiant skin!



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Break the Aging Curse with BTL

Want to reverse aging? The popular BTL 360 Collagen Advance Booster Treatment uses monopolar RF and ultrasonic fusion output to activate the collagen and keep it continue to grow, achieving immediate and obvious lifting and tightening effects!


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The IG Famous Hydrafacial Syndeo™

We believe in skin first, makeup second! Nothing restores your natural beauty quite like a deep cleansing facial. Why settle for a routine facial when you can have a medical-grade Hydrafacial Syndeo™ that rejuvenate your skin’s fundamental.

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Revolutionary HIFU treatment

Experience the future of non-invasive collagen stimulation and skin tightening with the Ultraformer MPT. Using the latest HIFU technology, the Ultraformer MPT delivers more precise, focused ultrasound energy to target skin laxity with ease and no downtime. In a fast lunch time treatment, you’ll achieve noticeable, natural-looking results – a non-surgical solution to turn back the clock and contour your face.

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Find Happiness in Beauty

We’re your metropolitan escape in hustling, bustling Hong Kong. Skin Retreat offers facial and body indulgence in a truly serene setting.
Start your self-care ritual with us.

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Facial Retreat

Skin Retreat offers a comfortable and effective non-invasive facial retreat. We listen to your skin concerns and assist you in planning your treatments that best fit your unique needs.

Body Retreat

Take time to relax, unwind and rebalance your body in a serene setting.

Lip Lab

Create your custom lipstick that best celebrate your individuality. Book your Lip Couture experience now!

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現在越來越多的女性開始注重面部護理及保養,不得不花費金錢在各式各樣的護膚品上,卻不知最重要的一步就是要做好皮膚清潔,才能打好「肌礎」! 你也曾做過以下這3大常見洗面錯誤嗎? 「我很怕出油,一出油就會洗面。」 很多油性肌或暗瘡肌人士一旦感到皮膚油膩、不舒服就拚命地洗面,以為皮膚沒有油就是乾淨。當你享受皮膚乾爽的一瞬間,過度清潔已經在不知不覺間傷害了肌膚!長久下去,若清潔次數過度頻繁,或使用去脂力過強的清潔產品,肌膚就會感覺很乾澀、緊繃,破壞了肌膚屏障。皮膚上的油分是保護肌膚的天然保濕膜,當你將所有油脂洗得一乾二淨,會導致皮膚接收「皮膚乾燥」的信息,產生更多油脂去滋潤,便會有「愈洗愈油」的說法。 「我每天都會去角質,皮膚才會滑。」 每個人都想擁有柔嫩光滑的肌膚,但過度去角質會讓肌膚愈來愈脆弱!隨著年齡增長,我們新陳代謝的速度減慢,因此適當地使用去角質產品,例如果酸AHA、水陽酸BHA,可有效加速代謝老舊角質。但若太常使用物理性深層清潔的方法,例如使用磨砂過度摩擦肌膚,會容易造成肌膚變乾或敏感!所以各位女生要謹記:「欲速則不達!」 「具卸妝功能的2合1洗面產品很方便!」 Oh My God!如果你現在仍然依賴多功能的洗面產品,以省去卸妝的步驟,你終有一天會後悔!因為卸妝不當,長期下去會造成毛孔堵塞、皮膚老化、暗沉等問題。對於經常以濃妝或眼妝示人的你,一定要先使用卸妝產品認真卸一遍。卸妝後,也一定要用洗面乳做二次清潔,兩個步驟都不可少喔! 如果你害怕面上有殘餘污垢或想深層清潔,不妨體驗美容界潔淨煥膚療程中的皇牌HydraFacial面部護理。全球每15秒就有一個人體驗HydraFacial面部護理!簡單 3 步吸走毛孔污垢,令肌膚回到最潔淨無瑕、吸收力最好的狀態。配合使用美國原廠精華,含有果酸AHA及水陽酸BHA溫和去角質死皮,可以快速溶解黑頭、白頭、粉刺和毛孔污垢,連荷李活明星演出前也要做HydraFacial面部護理作為皮膚管理的基礎令妝容更貼服無瑕! 延伸閱讀:「3步吸走皮膚垃圾!皇牌美國網紅水光肌護理HydraFacial打造自然肌底比化妝遮瑕更重要!」 想了解自己皮膚狀態?立即到咨詢及進行專業皮膚分析!

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